ITJ class
Our weekly Introduction to Judaism (ITJ) study classes take place on Zoom and last between 60 and 75 minutes most Wednesday evenings. The classes familiarise the prospective convert with the basic beliefs and practices of Judaism. It also helps them to integrate into the Jewish community. It is vitally important that the person who does the studying (and the internal growing) also participates in the actual life of our Jewish community. This allows and encourages many things to become second nature to the person, and rewards them richly in a sense of community, like-minded friendships and connections to other people with common ground. The course is over a period of 12 – 18 months and is a life-changing experiences for non-Jews looking to convert, born Jews looking to understand their religion better, and new to Progressive Judaism Jews who are wanting to understand the Progressive Judaism Movement’s take on the religion and culture as a whole.
Each week’s class is based on the Jewish lifecycle, the weekly portions of the Torah, current topics and relevant discussions in an informal setting with the Rabbi, fellow classmates and special visiting speakers.
For more info, costs and curriculum of our ITJ course, please visit this page and feel free to get in touch with us via the Contact page.
Rabbi Julia Margolis