If you were in Shul, would you stand behind a curtain? No! This is the same for Zoom camera etiquette. We encourage everyone to put on their video when they are participating in Zoom services. We feel this will bring us all closer as a community.
Please mute your microphone
To help keep background noise to a minimum, make sure you mute your microphone when you are not speaking. This ensures that we don’t spoil the experience for our fellow congregants.
We encourage you to unmute yourselves at appropriate times to participate; wishing everyone a hearty “Good Shabbos!”, responding to brokhas and engaging with your fellow congregants and Rabbi.
Include the whole family
We love participation by the whole family including children of all ages and take great joy in seeing their little mischievous faces throughout the services, and especially during the children’s blessing towards the end of service. Let your down and the fuzzy four-legged family members be part of services too!
Please don’t worry about the children or animals joining in on camera – the more the merrier. Services should be at ease for you in these digital times. But preferably keep your pyjamas out of sight, it’s still shul, after all 😉
Limit distractions
You can make it easier to focus on the service by turning off notifications, closing or minimizing running apps, and muting your smartphone. Be mindful of distractions to your fellow congregants by reducing the distractions in the background like TV sets.